Öffentliches Recht und öffentliche Aufträge

The department of Public Law is composed of lawyers having an in-depth knowledge of Administrative Law.

They have expertise in the following issues:

  • Institutional Law;
  • Public procurement and procedures on the conclusion of public procurements for performance of work or services between the auctioneer and auctioned party;
  • Concessions and permits allowed by public authorities;
  • Public-Private Partnerships;
  • Law on Community Planning;
  • Public domaniality;
  • Social housing;
  • Etc.

La department of Public Law assists and advices public authorities (federal, regional, communitarian or local), but also private companies and individuals.

For example, the department can assist a company wishing to perform activities in Belgium regarding the observance of regulations in the field of public procurement, community planning, etc.

The department can also assist public authorities willing to create new institutions such as local offices or to develop Public-Private Partnerships, e.g.

The department of Public Law has a solid experience in the procedures in front of the Council of State, the Constitutional Court and judicial jurisdictions intervening in administrative litigation.

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