Common sense. Innovative solutions.
Why do we do what we do?
We are driven by four values:
Innovation for ourselves but also innovation through the understanding of the industry innovations is undoubtedly our most distinctive value, the one that most powerfully reveals what makes our law firm unique.
Innovation is its most visible sign.
The Lexing story, the vision of the law that drives it and its prospects for development can only be read through the prism of innovation, which also permeates its entire management. As our founder so eloquently put it, our aim is to “move from the laws of innovation to innovation in law”.
Excellence translates into “exceptional quality”. It is this quality of service that the members of the law firm strive to offer their clients on a daily basis.
To cultivate the value of excellence, the law firm has, since its inception, relied on a knowledge management policy and an effective methodology for delivering our services. This approach aims to enhance the value of each individual’s work throughout the firm, with a dual focus on efficiency and excellence.
Respect is one of the core values of the law firm. It is expressed through the loyalty and transparency of the relationships that each member of the network establishes with those who entrust them with the defense of their interests, but also through respect for the essential rules of the legal profession in all circumstances and through its Code of Ethics.
Integrity or dignity is one of the fundamental principles of the law firm and the legal profession. It is the respect that lawyers have for themselves and other members of the law firm, the respect that they have for their clients and the respect that they must command in all circumstances. Members of the law firm undertake to conduct themselves in an irreproachable way in order to preserve their merit, their value and the esteem in which they are held. The dignity of a lawyer is not only their honour and reputation, but also that of the law firm they represent.
How do we practice?
First and foremost, we seek to understand you.
This requires active and empathetic listening, as well as in-depth knowledge of your operations and your ecosystem: your constraints, your competitors, your partners.
Reactive and aware of the challenges you face, we bring you answers quickly.
We do not see our mission as simply describing the rules of law, but rather as finding pragmatic legally sound solutions that ensure the achievement of your objectives.
The anticipation of legal evolutions allows us to contribute to the durability of these solutions. For this reason, our team is composed of creative and specialized legal experts. Our firm has also developed very close ties with the academic world, with many of our lawyers holding teaching positions at leading universities.
Our lawyers are polyglot and open to the world. Thanks to Lexing, an international network of lawyers sharing our values, we can accompany your projects on all continents.
We take our social responsibility to heart. For this reason, our activities are part of a sustainable development approach, we fight against harassment, and we support the arts.
We offer a transparent and attractive fee structure that is adapted to your projects.
What do we offer?
We accompany and support you in the pursuit of your business objectives.
We share legal information with you through training (internal or external), newsletters and a legal watch service.
We do not just provide you with legal insight into your activities, we add value to them.
We guide you in all your legal steps, in advice as well as in the litigation stage. Whenever possible, we try to resolve the conflict through negotiation and collaborative law. Failing that, we will respectfully, but relentlessly, defend you.